WINTER / SPring YOUTH Courses

Registration is open for Winter-Summer Youth Courses. Details for upcoming classes below.


Advanced High School Drawing

High School Drawing Course $450
10-Week Winter Session Starting Monday, January 8th, 2024

Tuesdays 4:30-6:30pm

Min 4 , Max 6 students | Must apply with portfolio of four works. *All supplies are included in cost. Returning students are at a discounted rate of $400/student

Course Description

Advanced students will learn to achieve accurate proportion, value, perspective, color as well as creating compelling compositions and narrative. Students will learn from the techniques of the Old Masters, and Eastern painting. Students must submit a portfolio of 4+ works.



In Studio Private Lessons $40/hour*
Limited Availability, 1.5hr minimum - 2.5 hr maximum

At Home Private Lessons $60/hour*
Limited Availability, 1.5hr minimum - 2.5 hr maximum

* Student must purchase their own supplies.

Ongoing or 10-week sessions are available.


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